
imported motor vehicle meaning in English



  1. Apart from those who import motor vehicles for the purpose of sale or distribution for use in hong kong , persons who import motor vehicles for their own use are also required to submit import returns
  2. Apart from those who import motor vehicles for the purpose of sale or distribution for use in hong kong , persons who import motor vehicles for their own use are also required to submit import returns
  3. Under the motor vehicles first registration tax ordinance chapter 330 , a person who carries on business of importing motor vehicles for use in hong kong either on his own behalf or for a distributor for sale should within 30 days of commencing to carry on that business register as an importer
    根据汽车(首次登记税)条例(第三三章) ,经营进口供本港使用的汽车的人士,包括进口汽车供其本人或分销商出售,须在开业三十天内注册为进口商。
  4. Under the motor vehicles ( first registration tax ) ordinance ( chapter 330 ) , a person who carries on business of importing motor vehicles for use in hong kong either on his own behalf or for a distributor for sale should within 30 days of commencing to carry on that business register as an importer
    根据汽车(首次登记税)条例(第三三章) ,经营进口供本港使用的汽车的人士,包括进口汽车供其本人或分销商出售,须在开业三十天内注册为进口商。

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